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Longevity news

Discover how your lifestyle choices can influence longevity genes like FOXO3 and SIRT1, guiding you towards a healthier, longer life.

Unlocking longevity: your lifestyle's role

Apr 03, 2024

Discover how your lifestyle choices can influence longevity genes like FOXO3 and SIRT1, guiding you towards a healthier, longer life.

Exploring the potential of drug-polyphenol combos, particularly dasatinib plus polyphenols, in targeting age-related lung diseases effectively.

New senolytic combinations for lung health

Apr 02, 2024

Exploring the potential of drug-polyphenol combos, particularly dasatinib plus polyphenols, in targeting age-related lung diseases effectively.

Discover the innovative approach by scientists to halt cancer cell activity, offering new hope for effective treatments against aggressive breast cancer.

Novel cancer halt method boosts longevity

Mar 31, 2024

Discover the innovative approach by scientists to halt cancer cell activity, offering new hope for effective treatments against aggressive breast cancer.