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Longevity news

Explore the lifestyle and secrets of a 110-year-old man living a full, independent life.

Secrets to a long and healthy life at 110

Apr 28, 2024

Explore the lifestyle and secrets of a 110-year-old man living a full, independent life.

Explore the groundbreaking trial testing if metformin can slow aging and prevent age-related diseases, promising affordable longevity solutions.

Metformin's promise in prolonging health

Apr 27, 2024

Explore the groundbreaking trial testing if metformin can slow aging and prevent age-related diseases, promising affordable longevity solutions.

Explore how CRISPR technology is revolutionizing medicine and agriculture with potential to extend healthspan and lifespan.

Exploring the future of CRISPR cell line technology

Apr 27, 2024

Explore how CRISPR technology is revolutionizing medicine and agriculture with potential to extend healthspan and lifespan.