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Bioloģiskā vecuma tests

Welcome to our Self-Assessment Biological Age Calculator! This tool is designed to provide insights into your current health and wellness practices, offering a unique perspective on your biological age compared to your chronological age. By responding to a series of questions regarding your lifestyle, habits, nutrition, physical activity, and emotional well-being, you will gain a deeper understanding of how these factors might be influencing your aging process.

This calculator aims to not only highlight areas where you are excelling but also identify opportunities where your lifestyle could be adjusted to support healthier aging. The questionnaire is divided into six sections, each focusing on different aspects of health and lifestyle that contribute to your overall biological age. As you proceed, try to answer each question as accurately as possible based on your typical behaviors and experiences.

Let's get started on this journey of self-discovery and proactive health management!

Testa sākšana

Basic information

1 / 6
What is you age (chronological)?
To calculate that we need to know how old you are.
What's your height (cm)?
Height helps us calculate your BMI
What is your weight (kg)?
Weight helps us calculate your BMI
Kokia jūsų biologinė lytis?
Other/will not say

Lifestyle and habits

2 / 6
How many hours do you sleep?
Less than 5
5-6 hours
7-9 hours
More than 9
How would you evaluate your sleep?
Do you smoke?
One pack per day or more
Half a pack per day
Few cigarettes per day
If you were a smoker, when did you quit?
Less than a year ago
1–5 years ago
6–10 years ago
I have never smoked / 10+ years ago
Do you feel stressed out?
Every day
Almost never
How do you manage stress?
Breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or similar
Physical activities
Comfort food
Cigarettes or alcohol

Physical activity and fitness

3 / 6
How often do you spend time outside (walking, hiking, etc.)?
Almost never
Few times per month
Few times per week
Almost every day
How much time do you sit on an average day?
8 hours or more
Up to 8 hours
Less than 4 hours
How frequently do you perform strength training?
Monthly or less
More frequently
How frequently do you perform cardio or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts?
More frequently
On average, how many hours pass between your last meal of the day and your first meal the next day?
Less than 10
More than 14

Nutrition and diet

4 / 6
How much water do you drink on an average day?
1-3 glasses
More than 3 glasses
How frequently do you eat fatty fish or nuts and seeds?
Monthly or less
Few times a week
Almost daily
What amount of vegetables do you eat every day? 1 serving - 3 ounces (100g)
1 - 3 servings
4 - 6 servings
more than 6 servings
Do you eat foods high in sugar or flour?
Almost daily
Few times a week
Less than once a week
How frequently do you eat rich of prebiotics or fermented foods (e.g., sauerkraut, kombucha, raw onion, leek, garlic, etc.)?
Less than once a week
Every other day
Almost daily
Do you consume: green tea, oolong tea, curcumin supplement, garlic, turmeric, or rosemary?
Less than once a week
Few times a week
Almost every day
How often do you eat mindfully (e.g., away from distractions such as your phone or TV, chewing slowly, paying attention to flavors and textures of food, taking a break to breathe and check fullness)?
How often do you consume fried food?
Almost daily
Few times a week
Less than above
How much alcohol do you consume per week? 1 drink - 4 ounces (110ml) wine or other drink.
More than 20 drinks
Less than 5 drinks
I don't drink alcohol

Environmental and additional factors

5 / 6
How often do you engage in an activity you would consider to be “play” (e.g., playing tennis with a friend, playing a board game with your children or grandchildren, etc.)?
Once per month
1–2 times per week
3+ times per week
How would you describe your overall level of toxin exposure (e.g., regular exposure to construction materials, gasoline, eating or heating food stored in plastic, cleaning chemicals, mercury dental fillings, lead paint)?
Very high
Are you currently studying something new? (e.g., a new skill, a new field)

Mental and emotional well-being

6 / 6
How would you assess your happiness?
Mostly unhappy
Sometimes unhappy
Generally happy
Mostly happy
Do you have strong relationships with others?
Few or none
Good amount
Would you rate your job as fulfilling?
Not at all
Somewhat enjoy it
Mostly enjoy it
Love it
Are you involved in society?
Very actively involved
Moderately involved
Not so involved
Not at all
How often do you engage in creative activities?
Do you feel like you have a sense of purpose in life?
Almost never
Do you meditate or perform breathing exercises?
Less or none

Ievadiet savu vārdu un e-pasta adresi

Ievadot savu e-pasta adresi, jūs piekrītat mūsu konfidencialitātes politikai. Jūs varat jebkurā laikā atteikties no abonēšanas. Jūsu e-pasta adrese ir droša.


Pabeigts! Tikai uz brīdi...

Mēs saskaitām jūsu rezultātus.

Jūsu bioloģiskais vecums ir

Hronoloģiskā secība:

Novecošana optimālā ātrumā.

Novecošanās ir mēreni paātrināta.


Thank you for completing our Self-Assessment Biological Age Calculator. Based on your responses, we have calculated your biological age and compared it to your chronological age. This comparison provides a unique perspective on your overall health and aging process.

Interpreting Your Results

Your biological age is an estimate of how your lifestyle, habits, and environmental exposures are affecting your body at a cellular level. If your biological age is lower than your chronological age, it suggests that your health and lifestyle choices are contributing positively to your longevity and wellness. Conversely, a biological age that is higher than your chronological age may indicate areas where you could improve your health practices.

Taking Action

Based on your results, consider the following steps to help optimize your aging process:

  • Focus on Nutrition: Adjust your diet to include more whole foods, reduce sugar intake, and increase consumption of foods rich in antioxidants and fibers.
  • Enhance Physical Activity: Aim to incorporate a balance of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises into your weekly routine.
  • Improve Sleep Quality: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and create a sleep-conducive environment to enhance the quality of your rest.
  • Manage Stress: Explore stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises that can help lower stress levels.
  • Strengthen Relationships: Spend quality time with family and friends to enhance your emotional well-being.

When to Repeat the Test

To track your progress and the effectiveness of any changes you implement, we recommend retaking this assessment every six months. This will not only help you see how your habits have evolved but also allow you to adjust your strategies as needed to keep your biological age as low as possible.

We hope this tool inspires you to take proactive steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Remember, small changes can make a significant impact over time!

Uzziniet vairāk par ilgmūžību
Dabīgas sastāvdaļas
Bez mākslīgām piedevām
Bez pievienota cukura
Bez krāsvielām un konservantiem
Bez glutēna
Ražots <42 °C
Uzturs 100 g
Enerģētiskā vērtība 2372 kJ / 562 kcal
Tauki 44.9
      no kuriem piesātināts: 15.5
Ogļhidrāti 21.5
      no tiem cukuru: 4.8
Šķiedru materiāli 7.6
Proteīns 17.4
Sāls 0.26 g

Kakao sviests, saulespuķu sēklas, zirņu proteīna izolāts, cigoriņu inulīns, bērzu cukurs, mandeles, valrieksti, lazdu rieksti, lazdu rieksti, šķeltas kakao pupiņas, linsēklas, ķirbju sēklas, bietes, banāni, spināti, zemenes, mellenes, burkāni, ingvers, āboli, acerolas pulveris.